Renewable Heating

The Youngs Group can help you find the right renewable heating solution for your home.

What are the options for your home?

There are three main types of renewable energy heating systems you can use to heat your home: air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps, and solar thermal. If you’re looking for a heating system that’s environmentally friendly and uses less energy than traditional systems while still providing the warmth and comfort of your home, then any one of these options may be the best choice for your family. 

Air to Water Heat Pumps

Your air-source heat pump will transfer heat from outside to inside your home. The low carbon heating and cooling technology uses a refrigerant system involving a compressor and condenser to absorb heat at one place and release it at another.

How Air Source Heat Pumps can benefit you and your home:

  • Savings on your energy bills
  • Better for the environment, as you reduce your carbon footprint
  • ASHP can be used for either heating or cooling, space heating and domestic hot water
  • You could be eligible for money via the renewable homes incentive (RHI)
  • Fully operational even at low temperatures
  • Lower ongoing maintenance
  • Longer lifespan
  • High Seasonal Coefficient of Performance (SCOP)
a person sitting and reading a book in their garden with air to heat source renewables machine in the background

Ground Source Heat Pumps

ground source renewables

A ground source heat pump extracts heat from the ground and transfers it to your home.

Ground source heat pumps are an efficient, effective way to heat your home without using fossil fuels, keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. They use roughly two-thirds less energy than traditional heating systems and can save you money on your bills.

In fact, for every kW of electricity that is being consumed, the pump can produce from 3 to 5 kW of thermal energy, depending on the brand.

Solar Thermal Heating System

Solar thermal heating systems are a great way to supplement your existing heating system and provide you with hot water without additional electricity costs.

Solar thermal panels can provide 70% of a house’s hot water over the course of a year. They will also contribute to central heating, and when combined with a heat pump, provide an effective, renewable energy solution.
solar panels on the roof of a house
solar panels on the roof of a house

Solar thermal heating systems offer many benefits for your home, including:

  • Reduced energy bills
  • Increased comfort in your home
  • No greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels

This type of heating system is also easy to install and maintain, so you won’t have any trouble keeping them running at peak performance for years to come!

*Please note that Solar Thermal panels should not be confused with panels for the generation of electricity.